Historical Markers & Monuments
This sign on N. Main Street marks the beginning of the Bridgeville Historic District encompassing most of a three-block area and more with Market Street in the center of this historical area.
This marker is located at the junction of Market and Main Streets, in front of the Bridgeville Town Hall.
Marker in front of the Bridgeville Town Hall
This marker is located at the corner of William Street and Delaware Avenue, recognizing the main benefactor of Cahall Park.
Cahall Park with Cahall marker to the right out of the picture. In the foreground is the Redfield Historical Marker.
This marker highlights the life of landscape painter, Edward Redfield, who was born near Bridgeville in 1869. The marker is located on Delaware Avenue at Cahall Park.
This is the former 1911 Bridgeville Fire House and now the Bridgeville Historical Society Museum on William Street on the north side of Cahall Park.
Markers on the Bridgeville Historical Society Museum and Archive Center
Near the corner of Delaware Avenue and South Cannon Street is the Bridgeville Volunteer Fire Company's tribute to the dedicated service of its members.
Words on the BVFC Monument that honors its members and their service.
This marker recognizes the work and life of painter Jack Lewis, who taught locally, and painted many Delaware scenes throughout his career. A nearby Jack Lewis mural is located inside the Bridgeville Library. This marker is located on South Cannon Street in front of the Bridgeville Public Library.

John "Jack" Lewis
Bridgeville Public Library with Jack Lewis Historical Marker
Presbyterian Church/Tuesday Night Club/Old Library
This monument remembers those from the Bridgeville area who gave their lives in service to their country during World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War. This monument is on the first east-west oriented lane inside the Bridgeville Cemetery.

The military memorial is located between the two main entrances of the Bridgeville Cemetery.
This marker is at the entrance of the school on 48 Church Street, and explains the unfortunate history of discrimination while also paying tribute to a talented, young poet of color.
The school shortly after its opening.
Courtesy Delaware Public Archives
The above building today.
The 2004 addition on Phillis Wheatley Middle School. In 2014, it became Phillis Wheatley Elementary School.
Historical Marker on the property of Sudler House, the oldest building in Bridgeville. This marker is at the intersection of North Main Street and Church Street.
The Sudler House Complex with its national recognition.
The Elizabeth Smith-Cornish Historical Marker on Route 13 in front of the housing development complex that she was instrumental in getting built.

Elizabeth Smith-Cornish
Elizabeth Cornish Landing Housing Development

Historical Marker at Chaplain's Chapel United Methodist Church which remembers the church's and the denomination's growth in the area.
Chaplain's Chapel United Methodist Church on Chaplain's Chapel Road east of Bridgeville.
This marker is located on Route 404 east of Bridgeville near the entrance to the shopping center where the Food Lion Grocery Store is located. The marker is located on the northwest side of the intersection with Route 404.